
Saturday, December 21, 2013

D is for Diligence

Diligence. To be diligent means to put forth a "steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort" (Preach My Gospel Chapter 6: "Diligence" pg 121). It means pushing through even when times are tough.

The principle of diligence has been engrained in who I am since before I can remember. Sports has always been a huge part of my family life, especially football. This may be due to the fact that my dad is a football coach, an offensive line coach to be specific. My dad has recently taken hold of the saying "Do it! Do it right! Do it now! Do it again!" and he uses this for his players as well as for us his children. He put it on the back of a shirt he designed for his players as a reminder of how diligence, and constantly working on small things, helps to accomplish the great and grand things in life (see Alma 37:6). My father, the wonderful man that he is, has sent me an email every week since I've been out on my mission. He wrote me the following in the heat of the football season:

"In this age of constant sports highlights on TV, it is easy to overlook the fact that the execution of the basics is what leads to success in the arena of sports. What is shown on TV, in form of highlights on SportsCenter, is barely the tip of the iceberg in regards to what really leads to being successful in sports. It is not the spectacular which leads to long-term is the execution of the basics. Sure, the highlight reel play may provide momentary success, but execution of the basics leads to success for the long haul...
There is a life lesson to be learned here. The celebrities of the world are not what makes this world go around. It is the common efforts of the common people which lead humanity. In reality, what is the value of what the celebrities do? My answer: provide and "escape" moment for us commoners to get lost in while we rest from our common efforts...just so we can go out once again and perform our common duties.
DO IT! DO IT RIGHT!! DO IT NOW!!! DO IT AGAIN!!!!  These are no just word on the back of one very cool shirt...It is a motto I hope my offensive linemen carry into their lives which will serve them forever. In is one I hope you also can carry with you in realizing that the common efforts of us all can lead to uncommon happenings, thus making the common people the unsung heroes of the world."

So you see, you don't have to be high up in the world to make a difference in your efforts. You my dear readers, make a difference each and every day in someone's life, that is a fact. It is up to you however, to make the choice if it is positive or negative.

I'm reminded of another wonderful insight my father shared with me:

"While at the Pro Bull Riding competition, I couldn't help but notice that the rider had only one way of getting off that bucking bull and that was to get thrown off by that huge animal who was not in a very good mood. There was no such thing as a graceful dismount. The rider knew that once the gate opened, he would not get off that bull nicely. Whether he rode the required eight seconds or not, he was going to be thrown from the bull and land in the dirt. Yet, some riders kept coming back for more...despite knowing how their ride was going to end. LIFE LESSON: Sometimes in life, we know that we will be challenged and that the challenges may not be very comfortable. Yet, in order to grow, we can't back down. We must rise to the challenge. It is once we have risen that we will notice that we are on a higher plane than we were before."

Isn't my father just wonderful? He great insights and puts them so beautifully. Is it any wonder that I look forward to his emails each week?

Back to the point though, diligence is about rising to the challenge. It isn't about never falling, it's about getting up and continuing on when we do fall. Along the way, we will learn and grow and truly be on higher ground than when we started.

Diligence means using the atonement when we fall short or feel weak and learning to have charity for those you meet along the way.

Diligence is exercising our agency, or freedom to choose. If we choose to be diligent in that which is good, just, and true (Moroni 10:6), we will find true that "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:7).

However, diligence is also balance. "And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order ; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order" (Mosiah 4:27). In other words, don't push yourself beyond your limits and take time to enjoy life.

So the question arises, as always, why diligence?

Well if we go through this life and "if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes" (Doctrine and Covenants 121:8). 

Also "There is a law , irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated" (Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21). Diligence is also being obedient and when when we do so, we are able to obtain all the blessings that God intended for us to receive. 

As one wise person put it "Quit making excuses, putting it off, complaining about it, dreaming about it, whining about it, crying about it, believing you can't, worrying if you can, waiting until you're older, skinnier, richer, braver, or all around better. Suck it up, hold on tight, say a prayer, make a plan and JUST DO IT!"

Diligence starts now. Nothing will ever happen in your life if you choose not to act. Go out and do it, whatever it may be, praying all the way, and you will make it!

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